Tuesday, March 10, 2015

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Keloid scars treatment

The keloid is a sequel that arises due to the skin injury. The most common symptoms of keloids are the pink stiff swelling accompanied by itching and pain. Keloid is an injury that can arise during the process of healing any wound and regardless of the cause or the size of the lesion keloid develops by calling fibroproliferative disorder.

They are usually harmless and although not contagious, can become an aesthetic problem that requires care. Learn more about the causes, keloid scars treatment and how to prevent the keloid.

What are the causes of keloid

The keloid appears due to excess production of disorganized collagen fibers which causes a type of hypertrophic scarring (high scarring). The keloid may arise from the ear hole, surgical wounds, burns, acne, chicken pox, small scratches, traumatic wounds and even areas of vaccination. Studies indicate the existence of hereditary and genetic factors that may influence the emergence and development of keloid and are even more common in Hispanic, black and Asian.

What improves the keloid

To alleviate the problem some care is necessary with the injured area how to avoid exposure to sunlight through the use of gauze and sunscreen, this process should continue. Protect the site and avoid any form of injury or trauma to prevent any complications that may lead to the growth of the affected area. The combination of some treatments may produce positive results; there are cases where surgery associated with the application of cortisone has had satisfactory effects. In other situations, surgery, radiation therapy is advised. The dermatologist may also indicate ointments that will relieve the itching and prevent the growth of the lesion. The outcome of treatment may vary from one case to another.

How to prevent keloid

The appearance of keloid is something that not of to predict and the person is often taken by surprise, so if you are part of the risk group, avoid body piercing, earrings or invasive procedures. Minor injuries should be treated carefully in the event of signs indicating the appearance of keloids, get advice from a doctor. The sooner diagnosed, the greater the chances of minimizing symptoms.

The keloid is easy to be diagnosed, but their treatment requires specific care, otherwise it may worsen and bring further problems who own it. In the event of occurrence or suspicion of keloid the most correct is a doctor.


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