Tuesday, January 29, 2013

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Makeup tricks to hide jowls

The saggy skin, some extra kilos or even genetics are the most common causes of the appearance of jowls. Whatever the reason, it is rather unsightly, and it blurs our natural oval face and, in many cases, makes us appear older than we have.

To fight it, we can do some exercises specifically designed for it or even resort to surgery, but if you want a quick fix , nothing better than learning how to conceal with makeup.


Apply foundation that usually use on the face, neck and chest and then use a slightly darker (making sure that the contrast is not exaggerated) in the jowls. Blend the area where two tones are basis for the jump is not very clear and translucent powder applied to seal the effect. Ideally, that base with which you cover the Chin is two shades darker than your skin. When you apply it, you remember it from outside of the jaw towards the Chin. Thus, it will be easier to disguise it. When you have to retouch make-up, it uses Compact powders.

It focuses attention on the eyes

Another way is to make it hide the gill cover unnoticed without a special base tone, which will achieve making attention falls on your face look. No need for a very dramatic makeup, but only apply some mascara and eye makeup after natural tones to match your skin and your hair.

This is especially useful for daytime makeup, apply ourselves when we do not usually base.