Sunday, July 28, 2013

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How to prevent dry skin

More than anything it in cold weather and winter our skin and lips become dry, weak and brittle. The best way to combat this situation is to use a lot of moisturizer but ... What else can we do to prevent dry skin that does not benefit us at all in our appearance? Check out some of these beauty tips to protect your skin below.

The dry skin is because the water in our skin is dried at a faster rate, reducing the natural oils and nutrients that keep it moist. This causes the skin more vulnerable. Primarily low temperatures and wind eliminate skin moisture.

The issue of dry skin is not just about the hassle or appearance. It can also cause problems such as eczema, rashes but germs related diseases. So, are the reasons why you should prevent dry skin?

Tips for dry skin care

A good option is to avoid very hot water baths. While they are the most comforting after a day out in the cold weather, hot baths can clean the skin's natural oils, so opt for a warm shower. And if your skin is damaged avoid exfoliants because further damage your skin.

A good way of prevention, which is also good for the health of the body in general, has to do with food. Foods containing fatty acids, cholesterol good, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals help maintain the elasticity of the skin by the production of collagen. Opt for vegetables, fish, egg yolks, whole grains that protect and nourish the skin.

Also, drink plenty of water is essential to keep you hydrated and helps to rebuild the skin's natural moisture.

As these foods are very good for skin health, there are other substances like cigarettes, alcohol and caffeine should be avoided.

Your environment can also affect your skin's moisture if you live in dry environments this can lead to your skin to dry even more. For that, the best invention are the humidifiers which control the humidity, and are ideal for the winter because they prevent agents achieve dry environment to dry our skin.

Moisturizers are essential to help moisturize the skin, but as you see it is not the only way to prevent your skin from drying. Help her stay moisturized with a proper diet, plenty of fluids and avoiding dry and cold environments. You can also try natural remedies to moisturize the skin.


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