Monday, February 18, 2013

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Tips to lose fat on the thighs and volume

One of the areas where most fat tends to accumulate in the body of the woman are the thighs, both hips (the famous saddle bags) and in every sense of the same and even the knees. Even being thin, we can see how fat accumulates in them, away from the possibility of wearing the legs that dream.

However, with a little perseverance and following the advice of specialists, we can achieve to remove this fat, with the added advantage that we can lose it in the rest of the body.

Watch your diet

The first step is to reduce the amount of our diet of energy dense foods, high in sugar or saturated fat we eat regularly. The reason is that they facilitate the accumulation of fat, slowing its elimination and accentuating the accumulation of toxins in the body.


There are some exercises, working my legs, will help us to lose volume quickly thighs.

One is the practice both when we were little, jump rope. Besides fun, is a very effective exercise? To achieve results you must do it at least three or four times a week. Note that is a demanding exercise for leg muscles, so you should warm up before you begin. By toning the muscles, accelerate metabolism and, with it, the loss of fat. Walking is activities that can be performed easily at any time and also help you sculpt your thighs.

Cold water

Cold water is a major activator of circulation, both thighs and calves. When you shower, do not forget to finish with a little cold water on the legs, which will help to stimulate circulation and eliminate fat.


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