Thursday, April 4, 2013

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Cheats essential for hair care

Scarcity and hair loss, dryness, dullness ... there are many problems that can cause our hair to become weak and brittle and, as a result, lost beauty and volume.

To avoid this, we present a number of tricks to solve common problems of your hair and hair to look healthy, beautiful and bright.

Hair Shortage

If your hair is very fine and wants to give more volume, it is best to give you a cut paraded and combs with a zigzag stripe. You can also apply some spray volumizer and check how the volume of your hair has grown in a few minutes.


If you're going to die your hair, do not wash it the same day as, the cleaner your hair is, the less it will set the stain. You should not wash it for two days following the day you've had, because you can lose up to 40% of the color.

The advantage is that by applying the dye, your hair will be drier, so that if it is oily or very oily, will stay clean longer.

Hard water

In areas where the water is very hard, due to the excess of lime, when we wash our hair, it tends to be dull and lackluster and slightly soft. To prevent this, add in the water cleared up a splash of vinegar or use bottled water for the last rinse and observe as your hair instantly retrieves the brightness.

Drying healthy

Although it is sometimes necessary to use the dryer, is one of the greatest enemies of our hair. To minimize this damage, it is best when you use it, do so at maximum power and minimum temperature, thereby shortening the time of exposure and damage by heat produced


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