Sunday, April 7, 2013

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How to get brighter skin

We tend to think that the wrinkles and blemishes are primarily responsible for our face appear old, and we apply creams and treatment designed to smooth wrinkles and to remove stains.

But not always get the desired results and, although we see our face more rejuvenated, not as much as we would like. This is because, if we want a real rejuvenation of the skin, it is essential to restore luminosity, and observe how almost automatically becomes our face more youthful and attractive. Here's how you can recover:

Peels weekly

One of the most common causes of loss of brightness of the face is lack of cell turnover, which leads to an accumulation layer of dead cells, turning the face. To avoid this, it is essential that we make a peeling soft weekly to remove these dead cells and allow the skin renewal. It is important to be gentle, so that, to be weekly, not too aggressive for the face, especially if you have sensitive skin.

Light from within

The skin not only glows from the outside but also from inside our body. To do this, you should take a diet rich in vitamins C and E and minerals, so that the skin is well nourished. Make sure you take enough fiber to avoid the accumulation of waste products in the intestines. Quitting smoking and reducing alcohol consumption will also help to restore radiance to your face.

Nourishing Night

If you apply creams only once a day, try to be at night, when the skin regenerates and is oxygenated. Make sure they are suitable for your skin type; especially if you have oily skin, thus preventing the skin breathe.


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