Saturday, December 29, 2012

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Ideas to dye your hair red in 2013

After a long season in which the hairdresser seemed to have stalled repeatedly in show extremely long manes, smooth and natural shades, it appears that the color revolution is going strong to prevail as one of the essential factors in all looks. Latest coloring techniques have been accepted by an audience that seemed eager to renew its image brushstroke.

After the success of the wicks California we move into a much more noticeable, the shadow hair , which initially was also intended to brown and blond hair, but now and are applied to the full range of available color dyes hair. Among all of them highlights the red, a color that had its heyday in the 90s and now returns with renewed techniques.

Choose your look

For lovers of red dye they merely appear good news, the most varied proposals to give your hair a rich color, multi-use forms. You can wear your favorite red hair full and slightly dark root effect you will get a very casual. Similarly, the shadow hair is also present in these colors so intense, so you can enjoy completely red tips keeping the dark tone of the rest of the hair.

Proposals for highlights

If you prefer to wear a tone on tone, you can play combine purple and red streaks on a dark background, which will give your hair a stunning shine. Finally, the fashion fringe in contrasting color is also valid for the passionate red, so you can wear this shade decanted only in the front and keep the black in the rest of the head.


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