Wednesday, December 19, 2012

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Tips for choosing hair color

Sometimes we make a radical makeover and see us with a completely different from the one usually present. In these cases, keep our hair a different color from ours in minutes we can provide the change we so desire, though, especially if the new tone we want to apply on the hair is very different from our natural, not always we decided to try it fear that the end result is not to our liking.

To do this, nothing better than to follow a series of tips for choosing hair tone more favors us, taking into account, above all, our skin tone.

If you have fair skin and light eyes, it is best to choose a shade light blonde or light brown or, if you want darker tone hazel. It is advisable that you tinea very dark because the contrast between your hair and your skin would be too great.

If your skin is clear and your dark eyes, you can choose a coppery brown mahogany, although you should not let yourself be tempted by the platinum blond or black tone.

If, however, your skin is dark, nothing likes the brown tones, in all its variants. If you're not very safe tone that is going better, by a mahogany decant you clear or a dark brown or any other color that is not very pronounced.

If your skin is red or have rosacea, you should avoid red tones, as they do not favor. It is best to choose a light brown or gold, which will soften your skin tone.

In the choice of hair color also influences your personality, so do not forget to choose one that matches it. If you have a very strong personality, nothing likes a strong mahogany note.


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