Sunday, February 24, 2013

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How to Fix a bangs too short

Whether you cut your bangs yourself at home and if you ask the hairdresser cut it, it may happen that, trying to match it, the remaining bangs too short and instead of a lock falling gracefully on your forehead become a tuft tip or side of your hair that does everything but enhances your image.

The best solution, of course, is to wait until your bangs grow, but in the meantime, unless we go punk or Emo aesthetics, there are a number of tricks to conceal and improve your appearance.

Hair gel or hair gel

Although it has been too short, we can always mold it with pomade or gel, especially if you have short hair. Apply some product on hand bangs and comb to the side that you like or best suits your face, right or left. Taking small sections between finger and thumb and giving quick touches, managed to give it some style and movement to the fringe and if it has been really short, squash it lightly against his forehead, also to one side or another.

Thus, your face will clear and the bangs will give you a more youthful and casual. Be careful not to use too much product as it can cake and find it very difficult to shape.

Strips or bands

You can also hide the very short bangs using hair bands covering the birth of this up half a head, so that the entire front of the hair is collected under them. If there is a right look for your work you can try to hold the bangs with a ribbon or headband.

Bangs hairpiece

If you cannot find it anywhere under, you can use a hairpiece bangs the same shade of your hair until it grows back.


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