Sunday, March 10, 2013

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Myths about hair

Washing your hair everyday because hair loss, hair cut makes it grow stronger ... there are many beliefs about the hair, especially those related to his fall, that have been passed from generation to generation, and that we have almost ours, leading us to avoid or emphasize behaviors that really have no effect harmful or beneficial about our hair.

Hair loss

- Hair that falls when we wash is damaged: This makes for many people the washing is almost agonizing. The reality is that washing does not make your hair fall out, but this is a natural process that occurs also when combing or even rubbing the pillow. In washing, simply, the process is more visible.

- You have to brush your hair frequently: 100 times a day, said our grandmothers. It is true that brushing is necessary, because it contributes to the oxygenation of the scalp, but overdoing it can crack and break the hair, especially if we do it with wet hair.


- Use hats and caps accentuate the hair fell: It is believed that this is because the use of these garments hair root suffocation. But hair receives oxygen from blood, not from outside. What it does is advisable from time to aerate the hair to remove sweat.

- Wash your hair every day is bad: The belief is that it favors the appearance of fat. Experts recommend washing with a mild shampoo and frequency of each hair depends advisable to keep it looking clean and healthy.


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