Wednesday, March 6, 2013

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Natural treatments to reduce and eliminate scars

When we have an injury or accident can be scars that, if in the face or body somewhere visible, often lead to the emergence of complex or insecurities. The same happens if we had very rebellious acne and your face has been marked with the scars of it.

Aesthetic medicine today offers many solutions available to us to remove scars, but sometimes they fail completely. In these cases, we can use a number of natural remedies that will help us to reduce them and make them less visible, making it easy to conceal after with makeup.

Acne Scars

- Cream anti scars: To prepare you need a teaspoon of powdered marigold petals, a teaspoon of nutmeg, a teaspoon of honey and teaspoon milflores wheat germ oil. Put all ingredients in a bowl and mix well, stirring until a dough. To avoid losing the properties of the mixture, you should keep it in a jar with a screw cap.

Apply the preparation on acne scars and leave on for fifteen minutes. After that, clean the area with distilled water (previously boiled water you have) and finally distilled water vaporizes on the face. Perform this treatment every other day and you will see how the scars fade.

- Anticatrices Lotion : Mix Mash one whole egg (shell included) and add a cup of peroxide. Apply this lotion daily on the acne scars.

Other scars

- Apple Cream: To prepare you need three apples, 150 ml of olive oil, two teaspoons of wheat cereal and 90 grams of ground almonds. Peel and cut the apples and cook until a smooth paste. Then add the remaining ingredients until a homogenous preparation, which can be applied over the scar several times a day.


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