Thursday, May 9, 2013

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Prepare your hair for dyeing

Hair dye is a fashion trend that has existed for decades. Before, the hair dye was used only in order to cover grey hair and there were those blue rinses that obscured the incipient reeds.

There are women who prefer to wear wigs to change her hair color, but nowadays, there are several formulas for all types of hair, which are possible to implement in hair salons and in the same house. However, the hair has to be prepared before you start using the dye, so that they can obtain the maximum benefit of the dye and get a shiny hair.

To prepare the hair, they should follow the steps:

Court: Before dyeing the hair, cut the tips with a professional, so that they are not split ends. In the case of hair clear you want to darken, endpoints can finish a tone different from the rest, so it is advisable to cut out also. In addition, the dye will look better if they have hair in good shape.

Condition of the hair: Before coloring hair, it needs to be taken in optimal conditions, and the best thing is to apply hot oil treatments a week before coloring it. This is especially critical when it comes to lighten the hair or outright, discolor it, since to do so, and have the hair I dry, they run the risk of breaking it.

Washing: A day prior to coloring hair, should wash it to remove dirt and accumulation of oil that stays on the roots of the hair. The hair oily, contrary to popular belief, repels the color.

Instructions: Be sure to read the instructions on the package of hair color, if it is that they going to apply at home, because they may need more than one package if you have it extra long. Choose the hair color that goes according to your lifestyle and your skin color. They may seek advice on a stylist of the environment and also looking at samples of hair in the catalogues.

Test: Before coloring the whole hair, do a test on a lock, and only then to stain everything. It is easier to correct a color in a wick, which risk damaging hair lengths by a bad dyeing.


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