Monday, September 9, 2013

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Trritable bowel syndrome cures

One of the causes of digestive problems is irritable bowel syndrome, is one of the most common chronic digestive diseases but which not is known with certainty its origin. Two of their most common symptoms, but ranging from end to end, is diarrhea and constipation. Today we will see some treatments to cure the irritable bowel syndrome. Join us!

A suitable diet

Changing the diet can play an important role in the control of the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Although there is no single diet adjusted to the type of people who suffer from this type of disease, it is recommended to take into account that if one symptom is diarrhea, ideally reducing intake of foods with insoluble as whole wheat bread, bran and cereal fiber.

On the other hand, it must be clarified that if your symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome are related to constipation the best is to increase the amount of soluble fiber, i.e., oats, barley, rye, and fruits, among other foods.

Other diet tips

• The main thing is to have regular meals and eat with eagerness.
• It is recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of non-caffeinated fluids a day.
• It is recommended not to consume alcoholic beverages
• If you have abdominal, pain or flatulence has recommended the suspension of cereal.


Most people with irritable syndrome found that exercising for 30 minutes every day, the symptoms decrease more and more. The ideal is that it sufficiently vigorous exercise as to increase your heart rate and breathing.

Reduce stress

The amount of stress that you drive on a daily basis can be a factor that increases the symptoms, so it is better to take a few minutes to practice some relaxation techniques. Physical activities like yoga, pilates or tai chi could help you take off the body's stress loads.


Medication in response to the consequences of irritable bowel syndrome is excellent for thousands of patients who undergo this type of disease. Sometimes, doctors prescribe antispasmodic, laxatives, and even antidepressants. However, remember that only drug consumption must be under medical supervision. Do not forget the risks of self-medication.

We hope that your irritable bowel syndrome is easier with some of the treatments that we have proposed. You must not forget, however, that alternative medicine also offers you options, as it is the case of hypnotherapy that, according to experts in this field, is able to reduce the pain and discomfort.


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