If you want to be aware of trends and follow the fashion, cannot fail to know what are the colors of hair 2014, which will cause furor in this year; perhaps after seeing new trends you dare change again.
Natural Brown
While in the market there are different tones of Brown, is nowadays consider to looks very natural, in which hair is one part of the total appearance and not the central point. If you want to look natural and beautiful at the same time, you elect to use a medium brown hair tone. This color will give a fresh and rejuvenating look.
This type of trend points to a brown flat, without lighting or other tones that combine with the base; the idea is to get a hair that is easy to carry and that is low maintenance.
If you are of those that like to dazzle with the hair and feel sexy, it is then playing with the shades of Red almost orange. Currently redheads are at the top of the fashion and model to follow if you want to give a drastic change to your hair.
Fire tones are who are setting the trend for 2014, and the best thing is that it is not necessary to be very white skin to show, as today there are shades of Red that adapt to any color of skin.
On the red carpet, we have seen more than one celebrity look almost white platinum blonde hair, usually contrasted with eyebrows in dark brown; and it is precisely this contrast between tones what will be fashionable in 2014, so do not be afraid to blonde-haired person dare to enter in the list's length.
Tip: better even if you have short hair, because thus this color looks much more and do not look like the typical blonde-haired woman. This tone requires much maintenance, so stylists recommend using regular toners and visit to the hairdresser in case of doubts on the platinum blonde hair care.
Dare to take any of these trends to change the appearance of your hair. Share with us what you choose color and why.
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