Saturday, February 22, 2014

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3 tips to look fresh and revitalized

Climate, habits, and age are factors that influence our skin, which can make it, look less radiant. However, you can achieve revitalize your complexion; look attractive and radiant with a simple makeup tips. Do not miss these three tips to look fresh and revitalized then!

Exfoliate your face with glycolic acid

Dead cells accumulate on the surface of the skin and prevent that light has reflected in a natural way in your face. For this reason, you must exfoliate your face two times a week. However, try changing your favourite exfoliating Cleanse with one that peels with glycolic acid chemically. This will help gently dissolve the scaly skin after use, and with the passage of time will reduce the appearance of wrinkles and age spots.

Moisturize your skin

Moisturizer is essential to combat the dryness during the day and night. However, it is not always super effective. It has recommended drinking a cup of coconut water a day to clean toxins from the body that take your life and shine to the skin.

It also seeks to apply to your facemasks once a week. Mix a tablespoon of honey, one of coconut water, one tablespoon of liquid Glycerin and an egg. Mix everything in a bowl and apply on your face using your fingers. Leave to act for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water. So you can make sure you have a hydrated skin.

Add color

To give your look an instant lift, it applies a bit of tan with a brush. The key is to use a palette of Tan multi-tone to light up. The palette multi-tone contains a golden dust, which makes look warm and light skin and adds a touch of brightness. To apply, you must use a brush and smile widely to apply on the cheeks and the center of the nose, which is where the light comes in a natural way

With these beauty tips, you can enjoy of a hydrated skin, without impurities and with a tone of brightness and color that will make you see radiant, revitalized, and fabulous with very little effort. Cheer up! Do you have any other tip for life and fresh-looking skin?


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