Tuesday, December 4, 2012

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Arm Hair Removal Methods

Having excess hair on the arms or have it very dark very uncomfortable for women, especially at times of year when the heat forces us to wear short sleeves or sleeveless clothes. This discomfort can result, if the problem is severe, problems of insecurity or low self-esteem.

In these cases, you can go to one of the many methods available to us to shave arms, thus eliminating the problem almost instantly, but we should do it again periodically. Depending on the type of hair and the color of our skin, we can use various methods:

- Depilatory wax: Experts recommend, should decide for her, using warm or cold wax. The advantage of this method is that the results are durable, because it removes hair at the root and slows their growth. It is important to note that we always apply the wax in the direction of hair for better elimination. After waxing, put some aloe vera on the waxed area, which will help alleviate possible soothe skin irritation.

- Laser Hair Removal: This method allows you to remove hair forever, but has the disadvantage that it is much more expensive. The advantage is that from the first session will perceive a decrease in the amount of hair.

The razor, depilatory creams or electrolysis techniques are not recommended at the time of plucking the arms. In the first two cases, the hair will reappear quickly and darker, which can aggravate the problem and the cream can cause skin reactions if we have very sensitive. In the case of electrolysis experts do not recommend it because it can be very painful in this area.


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