Sunday, December 2, 2012

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Tips for using hair extensions

hair extensions

Having a long and abundant hair is the dream of many women, but do not always have the patience to wait for the hair to grow or, when it does, it is not so thick and full of volume as we would like. In this case, to change the look and spend a short bob hair to long hair, we have access to extensions.

To achieve that look great and so beautify our hair, you should follow a few tips to use:

- Choose the one that best resemble your hair tone: Thus will be less noticeable to the use and the result is more natural, unless you want to use them to give a colored hue to your hair. You can find natural hair extensions or artificial, and the most desirable are the first.

- Before curling or dyeing the extensions, it is advisable to consult an expert, as chemicals or excessive heat can damage them. He will advise the best method to achieve this.

- Keep your hair clean, using regular shampoo. When dry, it is best done outside, but you can use the dryer, being careful not to bring it too and not damage the hair or use too hot.

- Remember that the average life of the extensions is nine months, so at that point, if you still want to use them, you must change.

- You can use any style, whether braids, buns or ponytails, especially if your extensions are natural.

- If you go to the pool often, be sure to use a swimming cap, but will be annoying. That way it will protect the water and chemicals that you avoid tangling and knots filled then you will be hard to undo.

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