Sunday, March 3, 2013

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Beauty tips for oily skin

To enjoy a good skin is important to get a beauty routine in which you can not miss the constancy and specific products to treat it properly. In the case of oily be also added other details that contribute to the elimination of glare, while to achieve optimal levels of hydration.

First, the cleaning should be considered an imperative gesture, and for that you wash your face every morning and night with a balancing soap. Then you dry it you gently using a towel that you should use only you, and only for the face, since that of basin can continue polluting you. If you also make you, use cleaning gels that are astringent, as well as balancing tonic. Finally, exfoliate once a week to remove dead cells and promote regeneration.


Some people think that oily skin has excess moisture and therefore do not need moisturizers. This is a big mistake, because what we get is to restore hydration levels, so that every day you should use a moisturizer that is specific to your skin type. Typically, the fluid or gel textures are best. It is also good that from time to time you apply one mask suitable for your skin type, preferably purifying.

Other tips

When buying makeup products, look if they are oil-free (free of oil) and non-comedogenic, which means it does not clog your pores. And at bedtime, ideally, change your pillowcase every night, or cover it with a towel and change daily, so making sure your face always rest on a surface completely free of contaminants.


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