Sunday, March 3, 2013

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Tips to prevent wrinkles in the eye

Like it or not we will, one day come into our lives and we can no longer do anything to tear them except go under the knife, of course. We refer to the wrinkles, that despite not being able to get rid of them, they can do things to prevent its occurrence.

Unfortunately, the wrinkles come out around the face as the years pass. However, in the eyes are even more common, because the skin around these is thinner and more sensitive than other areas of skin of the face. Therefore, in this delicate area often appear more wrinkles. And even if there is a way to ensure that will never appear, yes we can follow some tips to prevent or delay its onset.

Pencil eyeliner

As much as we like to use the pen in black eye, you should not use it too often. The reason? Although we do not realize, when applied to the skin usually pull the corners to make it easier to use. It is best to use the eyeliner gel, which is much softer.

Flush eyes

On the other hand, is not good wash eyes so excessive, as doing so we remove oils that help keep the skin moist. Yes, it is important to remove your makeup before going to sleep, but it must be done carefully. It is also important to use cream moisturizer to prevent dryness and fine lines.


Of course it is important that you protect your eyes from the sun with good glasses. With this add avoid squinting (causing the premature appearance of wrinkles) and protect the skin around the organs of UV radiation.


Finally, it is imperative that Sleep well to avoid the annoying bags that appear under the eyes, causing the skin to dry and wrinkled.


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