Saturday, March 2, 2013

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How to get eyebrows fashion

The wide eyebrows are more fashionable than ever. For some time we have been looking at different models gateways that fully populated eyebrows look very marked, and obscured. At first, this aesthetic was quite shocking, but as just happening in most of the trends in the end we are getting used to them, or at least not so exaggerated style.

To get these eyebrows fashion, ideally have natural nails that were too thick, but like most of us do not have them so we must resort to other techniques to give that aspect. The first would be dyed, a solution that not only quickly get the desired color, but also provide greater sensation of thickness, as well as possible concealed plaques. This result will last about a month.

Eyebrow Makeup

If you decide to dye your eyebrows, you'll get a thick effect using different makeup products. In the second picture you can see the line that Benefit Cosmetics has currently on the market for this purpose. There are three different products with which you can make up your eyebrows for a flawless result. One is Brow Zings, a box containing a wax duo and a shadow should mix to get a texture that adheres to the eyebrow. The kit includes applicators and small tweezers that will be very useful to eliminate some whisker.

Other products

The wax itself is also available in pen form. Instant Brow provides a completely different texture than the conventional eyebrow pencils. Apply against the grain and then comb and blend for a perfect finish. Finally, Speed ​​Brow is the perfect solution for all those women who "suffer" from rebellious hair.


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