Sunday, March 24, 2013

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Risks of artificial nails

When spring comes all we put the batteries in the care of our hands and nails, although it is something we should keep in mind throughout the year. The hands are our hallmark, so nails should always be perfect.

One of the options that many nails resort is false, whether gel, acrylic or porcelain. The other day I discussed their advantages and disadvantages, but today we want to go a little further and tell you about the risks that can hide these aesthetic elements that dermatologists say, can cause serious risks to health. Want to know what risks lay behind fake nails?

Dangers of fake nails

Clearly fake nails offer undeniable beauty hands. However, various dermatological studies from the American Academy of Dermatology ensure that also hides a number of risks.

For example, the potential content of methyl methacrylate, a banned substance in the U.S., which can be found in places where they put fake nails at very low prices. According to a report by the International Nail Technicians, prolonged use of this substance can cause allergies of the skin, loss in the fingertips and even permanent loss of the nail.

Moreover, according to some dermatologists, the nail loses strength after the use of false and during placement, when professionals use limes hard to contribute to the proper nails and light violet to dry and may favor a future skin cancer .

Permanent nail polish

On the other hand, are not recommended permanent nail polishes as they can hide internal problems of the nails that will worsen without not even realize it.


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