The hair is a key element in the physical image of anyone,
especially in women and therefore we must take care and keep it healthy, clean
and beautiful.
However, this is not an easy task, not least because many
aspects influence. Yes, the hygiene is the first thing you have to consider a
hair appliance look nice and strong, so we recommend you follow the advice that
we give below. Soon you will look enviable mane!
If you want to wear a beautiful and strong hair, the most
important thing is to follow a diet balanced and varied as your hair needs
iron, magnesium, protein, vitamins ... So, you should eat eggs, vegetables,
fish and carbohydrates, among other food.
On the other hand, sport is essential, as the body
eliminates toxins through the sweat and, as you know, is also sweating on the
scalp, hair something positive. That itself is important wash then with mild
If you want your hair look radiant forget the snuff. Note
that the scalp becomes less flexible and less oxygen because blood circulates
less to the roots causing hair more fragile.
On the other hand, pollution environmental damages hair also
favoring breakage more. Best to avoid this is to use products that protect you
from such external factors.
Finally, we want you to be aware that you sleep at least 7
or 8 hours a night, and if you're tired, your body is strong, including hair,
which might look fragile and lifeless.
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