Friday, April 26, 2013

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How to grow hair faster

Today in my beauty blog will give you a few tips so you can enjoy a longer hair on short time, because all our tricks to share them with you and so you'll know what to do so you grow hair faster.

When I see women with long hair, silky and shiny walking down any street, the first thing I passed by the head is wondering if maybe there is a secret to make hair grow faster. So I started researching, and today I am here, sharing with you the result.

 Copying to the famous:

It is almost common that we see each day as a celebrity at any given time has short hair and soon has long hair and that we in fact want to imitate the hairstyles of famous style.

It must be said that we must not be fooled by these famous beautiful style, since many of them used wigs of different lengths and also have always hand the already famous extensions.

On the other hand, and you know what, if there is a secret to make hair grow faster is to keep it healthy and avoiding its deterioration, so that can grow without cutting before reaching to the waist.

Secrets to get a longer hair:

As I said above, today would share the outcome of this small research, and I will tell you that the health of the hair is determined by how it cares for, and easily keep it healthy is to follow these tips:

  • Have a good diet and exercise
  • Consume plenty of water and sufficient sleep
  • Take a vitamin and mineral supplement
  • Massage on the scalp they can help make it grow faster, helping to the root receives the nutrients applied externally and scaring away waste to slow down the growth of the hair, making it die before time. It will also relax our scalp and it will seem silly but so we can make it grow more quickly. 
  • A good massage, hair should be done once a day does not need to be done more times than necessary. The scalp must feel the tingling in the fingertips, by about 2-3 minutes.

Recipe to have long hair faster: 

I want to share with you a recipe that will help your hair nourished and filled of force you need to grow in a healthy way and not suffer breaks and ends open so upset we and they do lose their luster.

The recipe is very easy to make, only need the following:

  1. 1 cup fat-free yogurt
  2. 2 cups skim milk
  3. 1 banana
  4. 1 teaspoon Brewer's yeast
  5. 1 teaspoon of wheat germ
  6. 1 papaya or mango medium sliced
  7. 1 tsp. ground cinnamon
  8. 1 teaspoon honey
  9. 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence

To prepare it, you only have to process all this in a blender for 3 minutes and drink slowly. The mango and papaya contain vitamin A, which fight dandruff and gives more shine to the hair. Brewer's yeast, yogurt, bananas and molasses, help maintain the proper PH and color.

Wheat germ promotes growth, which helps hair grow faster, and the milk strengthens the hair with calcium.


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