As far as the eyeliner, there are various products and techniques
you can choose. You can experiment with shapes and textures to achieve the
result you want.
The following are products that you can form line eyeliner:
Pencil Eye
Liquid eyeliner
Gel eyeliner
If you prefer the eyeliner, choose one that is not too soft or at least
waterproof, so be stable and not transferred to the niche of your eye after a
few hours. Scrape well in order to achieve a well-defined line and if you want
the outer corner of the eye you can use and a thin (but not too flexible) eyeliner
brush to make more beautiful finish.
The shadow can also use it as eyeliner, forming a line with the
appropriate brush (either butt or pointed), since the moistened. If your shadow
is not from those used with a wet brush, then scrape some of the paint and take
it with your brush.
The liquid eyeliner usually brings their own brush, so use it
directly. Try not to take large amount of liquid with a brush, not drip and
also give it some time to dry properly before opening your eyes.
The gel eyeliner is easier to use than the liquid, as it
"runs" and easier to install. Of course, it is advisable to have the
proper brush, which you do not forget to clean daily.
As for the application of eyeliner, you will definitely have seen
some videos with instructions, but usually the specific modalities indicated
are not applicable to all eye shapes. For this we need to first study
the shape of your eyes and especially to see what margin you on the edge
of the eye to form the line. This will determine the width and shape of the
line that you can do. So, better to line up the line with open eyes and no pull
the eyelid, not only because it creates wrinkles, but also because it alters
the shape of the eye. And so can make the perfect line (with closed eyes) and
just open it to see how your line is hidden under the "cap."
A tip to avoid this happens you are looking straight into a mirror to
put a sign on the outer corner of your eye, where you start to fold the eyelid.
Starting from this point in time and to the inner corner to form the line of
eyeliner, and will be filled as needed. You can make it as thin or thick line
as you wish, as long as you do not exceed the original mark you, because the
finish will be hidden under the eyelid.
These are some general guidelines and tips for the application of
eyeliner, but they still do not cover all eye shapes. Experiment with
techniques and products to find what works in your own eyes and not afraid of
eyeliner. You just need some practice!
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