Tuesday, May 7, 2013

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White skin makeup

Makeup is essential for many women, but the fact is that we know how makeovers depending on the skin color we have, and this time we want to focus on fair skin.

In a previous post, Makeup brown skin, and saw the "tricks" and tips for makeovers when we brunettes now in summer or in the event that our skin is dark, but what about those who have white skin? The truth is that we know make up a skin that is very white is more complicated but not impossible.

As White skin makeup:

  • Base makeup: Many women make the mistake of thinking that having white skin may get more color if you apply a base that is of a higher pitch. Not at all recommended, as you will notice much that is going massaged and you will be entirely "artificial". It's recommended that you use first one concealer or a corrector pen to remove any imperfections of the skin and then a base that is equal to a tone of our skin is very white.
  • Powders: The powders are those who do not give a little more color in his face. For this we must choose them superior tone, not much more, at our skin and apply in the area of the cheekbones and the "T" that forms the forehead and nose, but do not overdo. Applications with a brush and take small quantities.
  • Eye shadows: Here you can also get some color applying yourselves. And so having white skin you can use shadows that are in earth tones, gold, or any color that is fashionable today as pink. Also you can perform the technique to take your eyes "smoked" or "Smokey Eyes" but not birds and you should know that basically made ​​with dark shades can make you look like something "gaunt".
  • Eyeliner and mascara: You can use them as you please and thus highlight the eyes.
  • Lipstick: Reds, purples, pinks, etc ... are colors that will go well with your skin color. Also you can use lip gloss to stand out more.

You see it is not so complicated to make up a white skin. Simply knowing how to use, and especially how much quantity, product needs to ensure that we do not see us look pale but not excessively massaged.

To sum ​​could say that the "secret" knows how to give lighting to highlight cheekbones and know mouth and eyes. We also have to add to this type of makeup, the use of illuminators that has become very popular among the "celebrities" who have very fair skin, as is the case for example of actress Scarlett Johannson and they will do that your cheekbones and face in general have a special glow.


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