To do this you must identify the type of skin you have and care in the best way. Do not miss these beauty tips for your skin type below!
Oily Skin
Oily skin is one of the most troublesome types of skin. However, with proper care, you can achieve a unique charm, and it is less prone to aging.
Common problems of oily skin are frequent acne, blackheads, and rashes. The skin is thick and enlarged visible pores, resulting in a lifeless appearance due to the overproduction of oil in the skin, giving the face a bright and greasy appearance.
To deal with these problems of oily skin, it is best to maintain a healthy diet that includes water, many raw vegetables, and fruits and avoid junk food.
You should also always keep your face clean to keep off the excess oil and acne.
Dry skin
Dry skin also has its problems. In addition, it can be uncomfortable, especially during the winter or extremely cold temperatures, giving intense pain and poor appearance if not properly treated.
Dry skin usually appears to have fine texture but if you look carefully, there may be some grainy areas, especially around the corners of the mouth, eyes, and forehead. If left untreated or neglected can cause wrinkling and become more fragile with age.
Precautions to continue with this type of skin are to avoid very hot showers, use moisturizer after the shower, and dry thoroughly with a soft towel.
Combination skin
Combination skin can bring the bad and the good for oily skin and dry skin. Usually offers a mix of features like having oily skin large pores, consistent brightness rashes, or pimples especially on the T -zone (forehead, nose, and chin). While in turn, have characteristics of dry itchy skin, sensitive skin, and red cheeks.
In this way, with the combination, the skin can do the problems of other types of skin, depending on the weather and skin type is more dominant.
If you have a skin type prone to fat, then hormones play a big influence on your combination skin. To take care, it is best to keep a clean face at all times to prevent oily areas can to become infected.
Find the best moisturizer for your skin and applied daily. Use the appropriate amount of wetting, depending on the reaction of your skin in different weather conditions. Note that excessive wetting can cause problems in the fat area, and bring less moisturizer on dry skin problems and identifying areas and tries to give them the proper amount of moisture.
With these beauty tips, you can build your own routine and take proper care your skin needs to look radiant and fabulous.
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