Saturday, September 20, 2014

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6 errors of hair you throw over years

When it comes to rejuvenate your appearance, your hair can become your best ally or your worst enemy: it depends on you and you decide to do with it. Then, you know what are those hair mistakes which you cast years over? Today, we will help you to discover them.

Short #1

You have a hair healthy and abundant, why cut it so much? If it is for convenience, and because you feel more identified with that style, later! That Yes, sure to be a cutting motion. But, if your motivation is that strange preconception that the passage of the years away at the possibility to have long hair, forget it! This concept has no basis.

Very long #2

There is nothing like one-kilometer hair with stripe in the middle to look like a little old woman. In addition, it is that this becomes very heavy and almost literally ends up crushing all your features and transforms your face into something "rained" and without grace. Then? Lean for an intermediate cut, shape your tips are just below the collarbone.

#3 shades dark

Please bear in mind those dark tones to possess more than one disadvantage. To begin with, they will make your hair appear thinner and more fragile. On the other hand, to dampen your face, they will make your wrinkles appear more pronounced. Try to lighten your hair 1 or 2 shades - either with a permanent color or with highlights.

Uniform #4 appearance

Is your hair color very similar to your skin tone? Then, venture out to change! And it is that when the hair and skin are very similar shades, it is difficult that you can wear a face vital and with grace. A bit of contrast will give your face an interesting gloss.

#5 gray battered

Hide gray hair not only supposed to cover them with ink; in fact, other care is required. Now, what are they? Then, use cosmetics that will enhance the shine in your hair and, above all, protect it from UV rays.

#6 fashion extreme

Live not subject to fashion; these tend to be extreme. If you wish, please present the celebrity style, but not you take-offs of the evolution and natural growth of your own hair. In the end, this is another manifestation of your personality.

Here are the most common mistakes of hair that you are throwing some many years over. As you can see, it is all a matter of balance and respect who you truly are.


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