Friday, October 3, 2014

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4 reasons why your breasts are aching

The breast pain is certainly one of the most uncomfortable afflictions in the world. However, it's more common than you think. So before you unleash your fatalistic and crazy, sit comfortably with us and learn about the most common causes of these pain thoughts.

# 1 Cyclic Pain

Most of the time, are the hormonal changes associated with menstruation that cause breast pain. In addition, the female period is accompanied by noticeable changes in the production of estrogen, which is responsible for swelling and tenderness in this area of the body, especially the day before the regulations come down. But there is nothing to worry about! This pain will disappear once you have completed the period.

# 2 Much Exercise

Another reason that often hurt the breasts is too much exercise. Kill you in the gym yesterday? Then, it is likely that your pectorals are passing you invoice. In addition, of course, as they are under the breasts, believed that they were those who hurt you. To find some relief, you must only apply a hot compress on the painful area. In addition, if the pain persists, you can take a muscle relaxant.

# 3 The support

Although you may not believe, wrong in your bra size can have very dire consequences for your poor breasts. Thus, a very small bra can cause sensitivity in this area and make breathing difficult. On the other hand, a bra unable to fulfill its function-for favors also is very great affliction of the breasts. Therefore, pay attention to the size you're buying bras!

#4 Excess caffeine

There is no direct link between caffeine-in infusions like tea or coffee, for example, and breast pain. However, several studies have revealed that moderate consumption of these drinks helps prevent discomfort in this area, especially in women with breast tissues fibrocystic -. Therefore, if caffeine is present in your life and have lately experienced distress in the breasts may be advisable to begin to cut the consumption of tea and coffee.

In general, and as you have seen, pain and breast tenderness is not to panic. It usually extends only for a few days and does not reflect severe health problems. Of course, if you notice or feel anything out of the ordinary, it is vital not to let consult your doctor.


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